Monday 24 September 2012

Town Parks Fishery Catch Report w/e 23/9

The changeable weather conditions kept the fish on the feed at Town Parks Fishery this week.

On the lower Specimen Lake Gordon Batt and Matt Feakes banked 11 fish between them during a 24hr session. Feakes ran out winner with a fine Ghost Carp that tipped the scales at 24lbs 2oz. All the banked fish were high teen’s or twenty’s and fell to Cell boilies offered over a bed of Maggot.

Russ Harding fished peg 9 and was rewarded with a fine personal best Mirror of 21lbs 8oz.
The fish fell to a large pellet offered mid water for Catfish.

Catfish also fed well with the temperatures now dropping.

Fish to early thirties were reported falling to halibut pellet, worm and luncheon meat.

On the top Match Lake good sport was had from most pegs.

Carp took coarse pellet fished close to the islands and along the dam wall.

One visitor fished IM5 green paste to great effect taking 25 Carp to the 10lbs mark from peg 8.

Silvers came on and off the feed as the pressure changed with some heavy bags taken with maggot and castor.

With the colder weather starting to come in the Catfish are expected to start feeding up ready for the winter months. Try inch square chunks of luncheon meat offered around the margins! 

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