Monday 9 September 2013

Town Parks Fishery Catch Report w/e 8/9

Once again excellent sport was reported from both lakes at Town Parks Fishery this week.
The Specimen Lake is in great form with some large fish coming to the bank.
Unluckiest angler of the week was undoubtedly Torquay rod Nigel Paull. Paull’s Cell bait was seized by a good fish in front of peg 9 during the early hours. After an extended battle a beautiful Mirror Carp was duly netted and banked. Paull happily weighed the fish knowing it was to be his personal best – the scales hit 26lbs 4oz! After setting his camera to record the moment he left his headlight on and the pictures were just a blur!!

Other anglers congratulated him on his success.

During the following morning Paull weighed a fellow anglers fish and after rechecking his scales it was discovered they were 4lbs underweight!!

His fish was in the thirty’s and £100 prize for the next 30lb plus fish banked would have been his!!

Plenty of other fish came to the bank.

Cornwall rod Paul Goodwill had a great session from peg 14 taking three Cat’s and two Carp to 21lbs 4oz with Cell boilies. 
Cornwall rod Paul Goodwill had a frantic session from peg 14 at Town Parks Fishery banking some lovely fish including this fine platinum Ghost Carp and Catfish.

Plymouth rod Shaun Lamble fished from peg 8 at Town Parks Fishery and banked several good doubles including this fine Catfish of 29lbs dead which had seized his halibut pellet.

Catfish fed throughout the day and night and fish in the 20lbs to 30lbs range have been common. Halibut pellet has proved very effective with Catfish taking the bait freely as well as some specimen Carp!

Local rod Jim McCourt freelined a small worm during an evening session and took several Cats to low twentys.

The upper Match Lake saw anglers enjoying plentiful sport with Carp and Silvers coming to the bank in numbers.

Once again dam wall pegs fished well with bags around the 100lbs mark being reported.
The margins held some lovely fish with Carp to 11lbs taken from within 3 feet of the bank in 18 inches of water!

Bream continued to feed throughout most anglers sessions with some reporting being “plagued” by them. 

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