Monday 30 July 2012

Town Parks Fishery Catch Report w/e 29/7

With the thermometer touching 28 degrees at Town Parks Fishery the fish were somewhat reluctant to feed at times preferring to sit on the surface ignoring all the baits floated near them, that said, early morning and evening sessions provided good sport as the water temperature dropped slightly.

On the Specimen Lake Catfish fed freely taking luncheon meat, worm or halibut pellet offered from most pegs.

Tris Smith fished overnight from peg 10 and was elated when he banked his first Catfish of 14lbs 8oz. During the night Smith banked nine more Cat’s to 22lbs 1oz, all falling to worm. As the sun rose Smith had a run which was different to the Cat’s runs. As he struck into it the fish ran and, after a long struggle a fine Mirror came to the mat which tipped the scales at 26lbs 4oz, a personal best!

Smith’s fishing partner Dan Butterworth also had a good night taking his first Catfish of 23lbs 8oz.

Lee Otridge fished peg 7 and was rewarded with several fish, the best a good Cat of 24lbs 6oz.

Lee Otridge caught this superb cat from peg 7 using halibut pellets
Matt Greene took a good Common of 19lbs 2oz and a cracking Catfish of 23lbs 3oz whilst stalking around the deeper water pegs. Greene’s fish fell to luncheon meat fished from a 6 foot light rod which resulted in epic battles to bank the fish!

Devon Firefighters Kev Carter and Steve Wright started their marathon Fish-A-Thon today. The Firemen aim to catch 1000lb of fish during their week long challenge!

The upper Match Lake provided excellent sport with the fish up in the water.

Some good sized Bream showed, especially along pegs 1 to 6 whilst Carp preferred the deeper water along the dam wall.

Gordon Batt and Matt Feakes fished white chocolate boilies during an overnighter from pegs 9 and 10. Sport was so frantic during the evening and into the night that the pair stopped fishing around 4 am after banking in excess of 100 Carp to 10lbs!!

With unsettled weather forecast prospects look good on both lakes during the coming week.

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